Fixing Windows File Sharing with VMFusion
Every now and then, my Windows 10 Guest running on VMWare Fusion stops sharing files with the host machine. It seems that a Windows Update breaks this functionality. After reinstalling VMFusion, I needed to find another fix. After searching through the VM Users Forums I found the problem:
The issue is caused by Microsoft upgrades destroying registry settings.
After the upgrade you just need to check and restore the registry setting below and everything should start to work (for Shared Folders).
(No need to uninstall and install again, as this will also restore the registry, but will take significantly longer.)
All you have to do is edit the registry
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\NetworkProvider\Order Name: ProviderOrder Type: REG_SZ Data: "RDPNP, LanmanWorkstation,webclient"
Modify to:
Data: "vmhgfs,RDPNP, LanmanWorkstation,webclient"
Exit the registry application
Then you will then have the shared folders drives and UNC paths accessible once more. No need to reboot or log off. No need to uninstall and install tools again.