Fixing Account Downloads in Quicken
I have been running into an annoying issue with Quicken 2016. My bank sometimes stops communicating with Quicken and I can’t see any downloaded transactions. The issue is that Quicken doesn’t prompt with any errors or messages. Instead we connect succesfully to the bank, but no transactions appear.
The problem, according to Quicken, is that there was a error in downloading at one time and then Quicken creates Temp Accounts. Unfortunately, these temp accounts don’t show in any window. Once the temp accounts are created it seems that Quicken downloads to the Temp Accounts and not your primary accounts.
To troubleshoot this, go to Account->Online Center. You then select your bank. If temp accounts are created, you should see them in the drop down list.
To resolve this issue, what I do is:
- Deactivate the account downloads for all the accounts in the bank that you are questioning.
- Go into the “Online Center” and click on one of the temp accounts.
- Hit Compare to Register. This will open up the Register.
- Then edit the account settings and Delete the account.
- Repeat this for each account.
- Validate and Repair the File
- Restart Quicken
- Reactive the Account Downloads for these accounts